vita mobile app

brand identity + ui/ux APP design


Vita is a new mobile app that will use public perspective to illustrate locations and current events as they unfold.  Vita allows bystanders and witnesses to be the story tellers while empowering users to view life from the eyes of many.  Users can upload their own images and video of an event or can search a map to view media other users have posted.  Vita also uses a combination of preselected and location-based notifications of new events and updates to constantly engage users.

Brand Identity and Logo Creation are reflective of the idea of an all-seeing app.  The eyeball with a camera shutter is symbolic of users being able to see the world through camera phone captures from those present at an event.  I was able to work on the design of the app from its conception.  It was important to create a user interface and experience that was simple and easy to navigate with modern and fresh visuals.

Creative Direction + UI/UX App Design / Shannon Guerrero

